Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It is the matter of WHEN, not WHO...

Been watching the movie 'Definitely, Maybe'.. It is about a boy going to New York City to pursue his dreams. From Boy->Man, he had 3 relationships with 3 girls/women. On and off. To cut the story short, One became the mother of his child. One became his lover at the end of the show.

I found out that, the question is isn't about who. It is about when. I have heard countless people telling me that he is not suitable for me, she is not my type, he is not my Mr.Right, she does not match with me. These became the reasons of so many break ups. Actually, that person might match you. It is just your effort to make it worth while. And timing is essential.

For example, A girl wants a mature thinking guy who is caring and wants a marriage. But at the same time, that guy have not experienced enough to be mature for the girl, and is still new at relationships, thus he does not want to get married any sooner. So, they might think that they are not meant for each other. Tolerance comes into the picture. When tolerance reaches the limit before each other grow into the person that they each wants, thousands of reasons would appear for a break up. If they failed to overcome these obstacles together as a couple, break up is the ending.

Years later, as both of them grow and change, they are attracted to each other more than before. The guy had grown into a mature thinking man who wants a family, after what he had experienced in life and work. As for the gal, she had turned into a swan who knows how to take care of herself and others well. Now, they are the perfect match for each other.

Well, it is just one of the example. People always say that they fell for the wrong guy/girl. It isn't the case. It is the timing. The stage where he/she is at. Nobody is perfect and everyone starts from zero. We learn through mistakes and grow from it. People go through stages of life. They were once childish, stupid, self centered, hot tempered, selfish and do not know how to appreciate. Then they experience things and learn from mistakes. They became mature, smart, caring, altruistic, selfless and know how to appreciate things and people.

It is faith that brings two being together. It is very hard for two to know each other and fell for each other at the same time and be together. Appreciate the person you love. Don't give up so easily when obstacles occur. Obstacles are meant to be solved together. Look beyond it. Look beyond his/her weaknesses. You have weaknesses as well. Tolerate his/her weaknesses. Your strengths will supplement his/her weaknesses. Vice versa. As time passes, they will grow and change into your perfect person. Time is essential. It is whether your love and relationship can withstand time or not. That is the challenge ^.^

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