Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This year, fortune teller foretells that people who are born in the Dragon Year aka Dragons are prone to accident. Erm... its like the chances of meeting up with an accident is higher than others. These accidents not only referring to car accidents but to all kind of accidents. So, Dragons... watch out and be careful! Drive safely ans slowly... its not wrong to be slow.. just be patience this year! Superstitious? LOL... Up to you to believe it or not.. but i do.. :P

My fren, Bon met with an car accident 2 days ago. Damn he was damn lucky. Reason?
1. the guy he bumped into could have died or injured severely if Bon did not turn the car away
2. the guy is someone of the patience and soft type (well mannered and no foul languages or cursing)
3. Bon would have died/ injured severely if the air bag did not pop up

the pic below is wat leftover of his car...

Frankly speaking, its the other guy's fault. LOL.. not to say that i am helping my fren. but its true. well.. this is Bon's 3rd accident in 2008. God, if you are there, pls smack Bon to make him realise that driving fast is BAD! *evil grins* well.. luckily both of them are not injured. just some bruises here and there. Adding this accident to my list, which i do not wish to count(not a pleasant one) this would be the 12th accident i heard of this year. 10 of them are Dragons n i m one of them :( still a stupid dent on the left side of my car ...

Moral of the story ? drive safely! let it be slow as long as it is safe. Biarkan lambat asalkan selamat ^.^ and be careful when you guys do anything too! esp Dragons!!! oh ya.. the fortune teller says that to minimize the risk, one can do more charity or donation work. Esp blood donation :)

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