Thursday, June 26, 2008


Bastard : Hey Bitch, let's go or lunch together !
Bitch : Ok Bastard! But where ?
Bastard : The 'Have Sex' Cafe just around the corner.
Bitch : Sounds good but i need to go to the ATM machine to get some money first.
Bastard : Okay~!

*At the ATM*

Bitch : SHIT! I forgot my PIN number !
Bastard : Hhhmmmm.. calm down and try this number '114967'
Bitch : Hey! It works! damn you! how would you know my PIN number?!

okokokokok.. its a super super super lame conversation up there.. the main point is.....
i want to bring up the issue about some common mistakes most people do. 1st of all, i would like to share with you the full name for ATM and PIN :

ATM : Automated Teller Machine
PIN : Personal Identification Number

the mistake is that, most people would like to say 'ATM machine' and 'PIN number'. this is a very wrong thing to do. It is because the 'M' in 'ATM' means MACHINE. By saying 'ATM machine' it means Automated Teller Machine machine. its repeated ! same goes for 'PIN number'. the 'N' in 'PIN' means NUMBER. By saying 'PIN number' means Personal Identification Number number. Its repeated AGAIN!

of co there are still others.. but i onli can think of this two.. :X

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